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SSD Data Recovery
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- SSD Data Recovery
Solid State Drives are referred commonly to as SSD. It’s a data storage platter/medium which uses solid-state memory to store data. These devices are hailed for their features for their reliability, portability, and speed. It is similar to a hard disk except that, it doesn’t have any mechanical or moving parts. It has numerous advantages over hard disk along with features like:
- High data transfer
- Safer & solid
- Consumes less power
- Random access time
- Disk fragmentation does not affect the performance
- SSD makes no noise
- Tolerates temperature
- Environmental factors like vibration, shock, or magnetic fields cannot affect
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But, whatever be its statistical features, these solid-state drives can fail without any warning or notice. It is therefore very important to have a regular backup since it is hard to predict when the SSD drive can fail. So, the big question is, in case there is no backup, how the data is to be recovered from these SSD devices?
It would be very difficult to recover data by yourself and the data naturally will be very essential for you. But no worries, DSS is there for you to rely on In all such cases of crisis and we shall recover your data.
Reasons for data loss from SSD drives leading to partial or complete data loss:
- Human Errors: Accidental deletion or format is one of the main reasons for data loss from SSD devices purely due to human errors
- File System Corruption: Corruption generally happens due to virus attacks on the device and thereby the File system corruption. leading to inaccessibility of the device resulting in data loss
- Operating System crash: Due to registry error or software malfunction also OS crashes can happen to lead to data loss.
- Power Failure: Power failure during file transfer or during the copying process is the most valid reason for the data loss